What stays forever??
The day comes and goes
The night comes and goes
The time comes and goes
The tide comes and goes
Happiness comes and goes
Sorrow comes and goes
Failure comes and goes
Success comes and goes
What stays forever??
Absolutely nothing
That is the destiny of everything
The recent drought has cast its evil spell on various parts of the country. The soaring temperatures and a deficit rainfall for over a year had serious implications on the water levels and agriculture. In states like Maharashtra the water scarcity was at an alarming level that water had to be transported through trains. Why are we facing such a situation? Are we really responsible for this? Absolutely yes! We encroached upon our lakes, destroyed our forests, polluted our rivers in the disguise of progress. Progress is good but it shouldn’t destroy the very basic necessity of life and this is nothing but greed. The el nino had serious effect on the rainfall for a year, many states had received a deficit rainfall and we were not ready for this. What is the way forward now? the answer is water conservation. Water conservation is necessary because every drop of water Is precious, according to the statistics the World Bank estimates that by the year 2025 3.25 billion...
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