Recently the Indian cricket board BCCI held talks with the Pakistan Cricket Board to resume cricketing ties between the two countries which were terminated over the rising tensions between the two countries. The indo-pak series was to be held in December tentatively in Sri Lanka. Indo-pak match is known for its power packed entertainment, it is not just a game for the two arch rivals but a matter of pride. Millions of people from both sides watch these matches with great enthusiasm. Pakistan is known for its proxy war on India through terror outfits. Pakistan’s ISI and the Pakistan army fund and train terrorists to carry out terror attacks in India and one such worst terror attack happened in Mumbai (26/11 Mumbai attacks). Innocent people were killed, brave men died fighting the terrorists but still the mastermind behind these attacks Hafiz Saeed is happily living in Pakistan with high security provided to him by the country. In addition, Pakistan has been provoking India thr...